
Monday 25 January 2016

Summer Learning Journey - Day 7

For day 7, I had to take a picture of myself doing one of my favourite summer time activities. For my holidays, I love to go to Hamilton and pick berries from there. This is a picture of the berries that I have picked.

1 comment:

  1. Yum! Those berries look delicious. I also love to pick berries but I'm not very good at it because I also eat more than I pick! Some of my friends used to have a summer job picking strawberries at a little farm outside of my hometown (Almonte). They loved it!

    Have you ever considered picking berries as a summer time job? It might be worth considering at some point in the future!

    I hope that the berries tasted as good as they look in the picture :)

    Bon appetite ('Happy eating'),
