
Thursday 30 July 2015

Hone Heke

This is a short biography based on "Hone Heke". A famous chief who was the first person ever to sign The Treaty Of Waitangi". I have created this collaboratively with Yvette. I have also included pictures to show more detail in my work.

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Information Report - DLO

This is a DLO that shows what is needed in an information report. It shows the structures and each paragraphs information.

Online Maths Challenge

I have been playing this online maths game called 'Maths Lines'. This helps me know my times tables much faster. If you would like to try this game, click here

Monday 27 July 2015

Arohatia Te Reo

This is my poster that gives information on Maori Language Week. I have written down all the important key facts you need to know about Arohatia Te Reo. 

Thinking Groups Multiplication Equation

This is a short explanation of how I solved my thinking group equation. I think I have used the most efficient strategy for this problem.   

Wahine Disaster

This is a short summary of what happened on the day of "The Wahine Disaster".  I created this  collaboratively with a classmate. This poster tells you when the tragedy happened and where it took place, along with the some information about the deceased. 

Thursday 23 July 2015

Hauora DLO

This is my Google draw on Hauora. It explains the four different walls that are needed to maintain a healthy and stable well-being. There is a short explanation for each wall. This relates to our topic this term - feel me (healthy body, healthy mind)

Word Study

Interesting word
The meaning (in your own words
A google drawing to show the word’s meaning
The interesting word in a sentence
Synonyms (words that mean the same)

To make a wound or injury of a person healthy again.
A plant can heal any injury or wound on someone.
Cure, Treat, Recover


Having healing properties
  Jake chose a medicinal plant to research about
Healing, remedial
A unwanted wild plant that grows anywhere and can destroy other plants
I was weeding a nasty weed
No synonyms
A preparation that is smooth and oily which is rubbed onto skin for medicinal purposes.
I created an ointment to help my skin become soft.
Lotion, balm
A place giving protection from dangerous weather
I sat in the shade shelter to keep myself away from the sun
protect, shield

This is my word study task. I have included a meaning for each word, a picture, a sentence example and synonyms for the word.  

Word Problem Explanation

I have been learning how to solve multiplication problems using my "5 times tables". I have made up a word problem to show my understanding too. 

Maths DLO Explanation

I have been learning how to solve multiplication problems using my "5 times tables".  I have included an explanation and an example to show my thinking. 

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Scavenger Hunt - Reading

This is my scavenger hunt. The book that I have read is called " Plants that heal" I have put in my answers for each questions according to the book. 

Reading - Follow Up

I have read a book named "Plants that heal". I have listed 3 interesting facts that I found in the book. I have also retold them in my own words.

Thursday 2 July 2015

A Leap Of Faith

A Leap Of Faith

My first time taking a leap of faith that will forever stay in my memory. I had accepted the challenge to walk along the high beam with a rope of my lifeline. I made sure my harness was safe and secure before taking my first steps across the log. My harness was tightened onto my body which helped me overcome my worst fear - falling!

Once I reached the top, I could see a beautiful view of Hunua Ranges with it’s thousands of trees and the flooded waterfall. I didn’t know whether to smile or groan. I had already walked to the end of the log, but now i need to walk back to the middle. Words of encouragement had made everything much easier even though I was out of my comfort zone. Photos were being taken and team members were cheering.

I hugged the pole which felt like my new best friend only for a few seconds until someone called my name and asked me to turn around and walk to the middle again. I was wrong, wishing it could end. But I had to get everything over with so I wouldn’t be left with any regrets. So, I slowly, took a small footstep. After I had reached the middle, I had to jump off the high beam as it was the only way to get down. All of my trust was in one piece of rope and my dear friends and instructor controlling the rope.

Thankfully, that experience had helped me overcome my fear of heights. I don’t think I have ever been happier being on the muddy, wet ground. Everything was over which gave me a huge sigh of relief. I felt proud that I had achieved something I never imagined I could. I was finally able to breath


Wednesday 1 July 2015

Changing The NZ Flag - Persuasive Framework

Have you ever thought about New Zealand changing it’s official flag? In my opinion, I disagree with changing the flag! The current flag has history and has been flying in the air for more than one hundred years.

First of all, cast your mind back to when WW1 occurred, to all those brave soldiers who fought for our country under the flag that we have today. Imagine how they would feel if we changed it? Our flag has history and memories that our ancestors want to keep forever. It has meaning that no other country in the world has. Just think about that for a moment.

Secondly, do you know how much money it will cost just to change the flag? It will cost approximately 25.7 million dollars as we would need to change everything that has our current flag on it. Remember the earthquake in Christchurch and the recent floods in Wanganui? Don’t you think this money should be used to rebuild the destroyed homes? I believe helping cities in NZ is more important than just changing a flag!

Hundreds of countries have changed their flag and yet have not been recognized. If we change our flag too, many countries won’t be able to identify where we are from and who we are instantly. Plus, the NZ flag has already been changed in 1834, 1840, and 1903. It’s probably going to be changed again so why should we put in so much effort? It would also just be a huge argument over which flag to choose as we are approximately 4.471 million. I think we should just keep our flag the way it is!

I’m sure I have persuaded you to think like me! Remember to acknowledge the confidence our NZ soldiers had when they fought under our flag, the amount of other important things we can spend the money on and how countries won’t be able to
recognize our country because of all the changes that have been changed in our flag. What’s your opinion?

This is my persuasive framework based on "Changing The Official NZ Flag". I have stated my reasons and why I think like that. What do you think?

Simple And Compound Sentence

This is a DLO based on Simple and Compound Sentences created collaboratively with Yvette and I. We have included a definition of both sentences following with an example to build our understanding with all sentences.