
Tuesday 28 June 2016

Speech - Stereotyping

The Speech Competition Rubric
Assessor: Cecillia, Cyrus, Harlem, Jessie                                    Performer: Sajiha
Please give honest feedback to your partner. They will work on the feedback you give.

Not using any expression at all in the speech. Sounds like a robot. Does not use the punctuation. Words do not flow
Using some expression for certain parts of the speech. Reverts back in sounding like a robot in some places.
Uses expression in most areas, but not all. Starting to make voice go high and low in certain parts. Starting to get into the role and use punctuation.
Uses expression throughout the speech. Making voice go high and low in all parts.
Opens mouth wide so that words flow.
Loud clear voice
Reads in a very soft voice e.g. whisper. May mumble during speech. Words / sentences are very unclear and may not be understood by the audience.
Projects voice in some parts, but may revert back to soft / mumbling voice. Not all words / sentences may not be understood by the audience.
Projects voice in most parts, but may mumble, or speak softly in 1-2 sentences / words. Most words are understood by the audience.
Projects voice throughout the performance. Voice is loud and clear. Every word / sentence is understood by the audience.

Eye Contact

The performer refers to the speech / cue cards during for the entire contest. No eye contact given to the audience

The performer refers to the speech cue cards for some parts. The performer looks at the audience during some parts of the speech contest.

The reader looks at the audience and gives eye contact to the audience most of the time.

Eye contact is given throughout the contest. The performer gives eye contact to the audience during the entire speech contest.
Knowledge of the speech
Reads directly from the cue cards. Strongly relies off the cue cards during the contest. Does not know speech very well. Loses own place regularly and relies off cue cards.
Knows some parts of the speech, but is still reliant on the cue cards. Follows the text for most parts. Still reliant on cue cards to get through the contest. May lose place.
Knows most parts of the speech off by heart.
Follows the text.
Could easily perform the speech without the cue cards.
Knows the speech off by heart. Memorized the speech.

You are unique. No one is like you. You are one of a kind. This is what we are told over and over again but yet we are stereotyped into different groups. Wait, what are stereotypes?
Imagine you're an asian and a stranger walks up to you and says ‘I bet you are really good at maths. Well that's a stereotype.’ We are stereotyped because some people can't accept the fact that we are all different and that everyone is born unique.

So, they try to slap labels on people and to try to fit them into convenient boxes just to make them like everyone else. But the thing is, it is impossible to be like everyone else! You were born original so don’t become a copy. Good afternoon/morning. As the majority of you know, my name is Sajiha. Today, I’m going to talk to you about (1) my personal journey with stereotypes; (2) Why stereotypes are dangerous and (3) why we have to take responsibility for the stereotypes in our society.

Let me start by telling you the ways I am stereotyped. I am a girl, a muslim, I wear a hijab and I am proud of who I am. But no matter how satisfied you are with yourself, you can always be stereotyped. When I first started wearing my hijab people were constantly asking me
“Sajiha, have you gone bald?” or “Oh have you joined Isis yet?” and the way I responded to all of these comments was to take them as joke and I would laugh. But these stereotypes were more than just a bunch of words to me. Soon I started to question myself, my religion, the way I looked. I started wanting to be like others.

People who are put down by stereotypes eventually start to believe that they are what they are told, even if it is not true. Asians are smart, hard working and over achievers. Girls are weak, flirty and moody. Muslims well, they will just blow this room up right now. Well that is somewhat true because I will blow up this room (pause) with my speech, of course.

Why do stereotypes have an enormous impact on how we feel. They make us feel marginalised. They can make us feel like we are worthless. Stereotypes can create psychological pressure too. When we stereotype we are making, assumptions and categorizing people without thinking about what the consequences are. People who are stereotyped are most likely to end up believing that label and living a life that lives up to that label.

People also often blame the media for stereotypes. “It's all the media’s fault for showing asians as over achievers”, “It's all the media’s fault for showing women as weak…” “it’s all the Media’s fault for….Media! Media! Media!.”  STOP! Who is the media anyway? The Media is influenced by you, by all of us. Those posts people have been putting up saying #basicwhitethings are the sorts of things that eventually create a stereotype and then at the end of the day we blame the media, thinking that we are not part of it.

We are the ones who can define society. Yet we blame society? We need to realize the effects of stereotypes on people before we say something or post something. The way we can do this is to first accept ourselves. Next time you look in the mirror say ‘I am as perfect as I can be.’ By accepting yourself we can then accept each other. So don't be afraid of who you are. We should keep stereotypes out of the picture, make the word ‘stereotype’ extinct. We are the ones who can make a change. Stop judging people before you even get to know them. Also, don’t listen to stereotypes. Don’t be afraid to be different, to be unique, to be you.

Today, we have presented our speech to groups. My group has worked together to work out where I am with my speech. The rubric above shows that I have made eye contact with my audience, I have memorised my speech and have used expression.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Current Events

This is one of the current events happening in America at the moment. It is about Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump battling against the position of the United States of America President. So far, we don't know who will be elected but we do know that Trump has a total of 1,542 while Clinton has a total of 2,811. 

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Peter Jackson

As part of my reading, my task was to create a poster on 'Peter Jackson.' This poster includes a short paragraph on a few important life events of Peter Jackson. It explains the movies he has directed and some information about his personal life with his family. A photo of Peter Jackson is also included to show what he looks like. 

Friday 10 June 2016

Doppleganger Predictions

I have read this novel called "Doppleganger." There were tasks and activities that were followed after finishing book. I have completed a prediction task below:
By looking at the cover page and title, I think this story is about a boy who turns himself into a doppelganger. I also think the story is set in a specific place  as there is a picture of buildings on the cover page.
Changes I would make:
I think that the illustration on the cover page is very effective because of the fact that the illustrator added buildings of Turkey on the silhouette of Connor and Niko.
But I think the cover page would be better if Niko’s and Connor’s face showed so we can get an idea of how similar they look.

Blog Comments

These are my 3 blog comments to Tamaki Primary School. Last week, we wrote comments to Point England School. 
I have written blog comments to 3 individual blogs. 

Thursday 9 June 2016

Giant Panda Information Report

Giant Pandas
Giant Pandas are Bears which are immensely native to China. Mainly because of the fact that they are endangered. A small amount of 1,600 are left in the wild. As well as less than 100 in zoos around the world.
Giant Pandas are also known as ‘Great Bears’ and are the same size as the American Black Bear.

These impressive bears can surprisingly weigh up to 135 kilograms and can grow up to 1.5 meters. They are easily recognized by the large, black patches around their eyes, over the ears, and across their round body.
Their thick, wooly coat consisting of a bold black and white keeps them warm in the cool forests of their habitat.
The Giant Pandas large teeth and strong jaw muscles help to crush tough bamboo. They may seem super cute but they can be as dangerous as any other bear!

Giant Pandas are omnivores. (Meaning they eat both plant and meat) Wild Panda’s diets are almost 99 percent bamboo. An average Panda eats about 3 Kilograms of bamboo each day.
They rarely eat small rodents or Deer. In Zoos, they eat bamboo, sugar cane, rice and a bit of fruit and vegetables.

Giant pandas live in mountain ranges in central China.
Mainly in the cities of Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu.
They once lived in several areas in China, but due to forest clearing, the Pandas are now living in mountains.

The main reasons for the decrease of the panda population is: poaching, habitat destruction and low reproductive rate. The Chinese government is allowing the pandas to move to new areas to find more food and meet more breeding mates.

Much remains to be learned about the secret lives of these bears. Every new discovery about Giant Pandas helps scientists to save this species.

For the past few weeks, our main focus in Writing was writing information reports. I have written a information report based around Giant Pandas. This report consists of their Appearance, Diet, Habitat and Threats.

Thursday 2 June 2016

Blog Analysis: 2014 - 2016

I have been analaysing the number of blog posts I have made from 2014 - 2015. This is a chart to show the comparison throughout the whole year. My learning intention was to: o carry out a statistical inquiry.