
Wednesday 16 April 2014

Term 1

This is my Comic Life. 
It is all about Term 1 and what we did and enjoyed. I enjoyed Dance most because I don't dance that much and because I learn't so much I never knew. 

Nested Place Value

This is my nested place value for my group, Jet Planes. My number is 9,662 and I had to work out as many different ways to say that number. I have worked out seven different ways to say 9,662. I found this not so hard and not so easy. Next time I do a nested place value, I want to solve a much harder number and be able to work out more different ways to say that number!

Tuesday 15 April 2014


by Sajiha

Red is passion!
Red is the sight of the beautiful sunset stretching across the sky..
Red is the feeling of embarrassment after an awful day..
Red is the smell of fresh roses blooming in Spring.
Red is the taste of an apple crunching in my mouth.
Red is the sound of my heart beating loudly..
Red is Love!

Polar Bears
by  Sajiha

Sleek soft, warm fur
 Growling powerfully and angrily in hunger
Marching calmly and silently through the freezing white snow
Enormous and very strong
Beast of the snow!

I am as…
by Sajiha

I am as outstanding as a learning hero doing the right thing.
I am as quick as a cheetah sprinting for its prey.
I am as smart as a cookie with a perfect attitude!
I am as happy as a mouse finally finding its cheese.
I am as strong as my bones and muscles holding my body together.
I am as sweet as sugar pouring into my hot tea.
I am as fair as a fraction cut into equal pieces.
I am as busy as the traffic on a Sunday morning.
I am as creative as technology changing everyday.
I am as fun as Summer with everyone enjoying the sun.
Put it all together,
and you've got Sajiha!

Friday 11 April 2014

Class dojo - 150 points!

Congratulations on reaching 150 class dojo points.  There is a homework pass heading your way that entitles you to one week of no homework.


This is my Extra For Experts Presentation. It is all about cybersafety. In this presentation it shows you how to be cybersafe! Lots of children don't know how to be cybersafe and about 35% of children get cyberbullied. When children don't know how to handle being cyberbullied, they cause suicide. This shows you the right thing to do when you are in that situation. Have a look at my presentation!


This is my homework about ANZAC Day. Anzac day is celebrated for us to remember the war that NZ and Australia had to go through. I have found lots of interesting information and facts about ANZAC day that I didn't know. ANZAC stands for "Australian, New Zealand, Army Corps."  Check out my Presentation about Anzac day!


I have been learnt about Transformation in maths. I now know what transformation in maths is.  I have made an art work of a native silver fern. My art shows rotation and reflection. I drew each artwork using pastels. I had lots of fun and wish I can learn more about transformation. Do you know what transformation is and how it works?

Thursday 10 April 2014

Multiplication Maths Results

Here is my Multiplication Results. There were 100 questions and I got 64 right in 3 minutes.  I have learn't  most of my times tables this term but I need to work on my 12 and 8 times tables. I made some progress but I think that I should get a much higher mark next time. I need to learn all my time tables off by heart confidently and much faster. I can do this by going on helpful multiplication sites that can help me improve. Hopefully by the end of next term, I will learn all my times tables!

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Trip To Panmure Library!

Trip to Panmure Library

On 9th of April 2014, we went to the Panmure Library. We got there by walk. Everyone was extremely excited and couldn't wait to get there.

Firstly when we got there, we saw some people from the Auckland museum. I felt nervous and astonishing at the same time. They were Maori and shared with us a very interesting story. The story was funny and entertaining. We were split up into two groups and each learn’t a dance, which was part of our story.

Later on, when we had finished our amazing story, we made a clay with a beautiful Maori pattern on it which is called a “ ma-tau”. We also had a activity of the story and there were colour pencils as prizes.

Everyone had an interesting and fun trip to Panmure Library. We really appreciated the people from Auckland Museum to use their time wisely with us. We loved it! And hope that we can go there some other time!

By Sajiha

Thursday 3 April 2014

How To Annoy The Teacher

How to annoy the teacher

Yesterday we were learning how to write an instruct. We had to make a list how to annoy the teacher. I learn't to start each sentence with a bossy verb. For example push, make and pull. Those are all bossy verbs. I tried to make my list of instructions more interesting by ending it with a very funny sentence!

  • Make funny and silly noises with your mouth
  • Talk when you are meant to be learning
  • Always interrupt the teacher when she/he is talking
  • Talk back when she/he tells you off
  • Copy other students work
  • Sprint out of class without asking
  • Moan and groan at the teacher
  • Never bring your homework
  • Don’t finish your work on time
  • Always act grumpy
  • Never show respect and never be responsible
  • Touch and make the teacher’s corner messy
  • Come to school late everyday
  • Cheat on your tests

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Colour Poem: Yellow

Yellow is happiness and joy.
Yellow is the sight of the enormous sun rising on a calm morning.
Yellow is the smell of daffodils blooming on a sunny Spring day.
Yellow is the taste of sour cold  lemonade on a hot Summers day.
Yellow is the sight of shiny stars shimmering on a quiet night.

Colour Poem

Red is passion!
Red is the sight of the beautiful sunset stretching across the sky..
Red is the feeling of embarrassment after an awful day..
Red is the smell of fresh roses blooming in spring.
Red is the taste of an apple crunching in my mouth.
Red is the sound of my heart beating loudly..
Red is Love!