
Monday 30 June 2014

My Quality Blog Comment To Jorja

Here is a blog comment I wrote to Jorja. I think it is a positive and quality blog comment because:

  • I greeted Jorja
  • I have told her what I like
  • I have told Jorja what she can do next!
That is my blog comment!

My Quality Blog Comment To Nazella

Here is my blog comment to Nazella! I think this is a quality blog comment because
  • I have started with greeting the blogger
  • I have told her what I liked
  • I have told her what to do next 
  • Ended with a question to start a conservation
That was my blog comment. Where's yours? 

Whale Fall

Friday 27 June 2014


Matariki is the Maori New Year. It is also a name for a group of stars. It is celebrated in Winter in June. It is also celebrated when the Matariki Stars appear when new moon rises. There are about 500 stars but we can only see 6 or seven stars because they are the hottest and bluest stars of all. Matariki can last up to 3 days.

Thursday 26 June 2014

Catch My Drift

I have been reading a book called "Catch My Drift". Here is a short presentation of my work.

Monday 23 June 2014


I played a maths game called Wishball. Wishball first gives you a target number. It can be any number with four digits. You have to try and make that number. My number was 99.14. At first it was tricky but as I played it, I got better and better at it. I have matched the target!

Friday 20 June 2014


Our group read a article about the Starfish. It is very interesting. Here is a short presentation about Starfish and their life.


My group read a article about Food Chains in Antarctica. I learn't about who eats who in Antarctica.  Our challenge was to make a Google presentation or drawing about a animal in Antarctica and write about it. I chose the penguin because I know lots of information about it!

Our Fascinating Trip To Botanical Gardens

On Tuesday the 17th of June 2014, we had a wonderful day at Botanical Gardens. We got there by bus. We learnt so much. I learn't:
Why forests are so important to Earth. This is how I remember why forests are so important:
Shady habitats
Things to use
Soil erosion
We learn't what happens when a leaf falls on the ground. First its fully green, then it turns yellow or green from the bacteria or fungi. Later on a bug, invertebrate or insect eats it.  The skeleton is the only thing that is left.

I learn't what FBI means. It is short for Fungi, bacteria and invertebrates. 
We also learn't about endangered and rare animals.

Thursday 12 June 2014

Class dojo - 250 points!

Well done Sajiha!  Time to have a break, have a Kit Kat!

Monday 9 June 2014

Basic Facts Reflection

This year, I have got faster at answering multiplication and division problems. I still need to work on my division. In Term 1 we had a basic facts test that had 60 maths problems. Out of 60 I scored 60. This means that I have got all the equations correct. We also did another basic facts test in Term 2 that had 100 equations. I made a silly mistake and only got 99 out of 100. I am proud that I only got one question wrong. I am also proud that I have answered most of the equations correctly and confidently. But I still need to work on my division maths problems. I know all my times tables except for the 12 times tables. If I learn all my times tables, it would help  me to also learn my division. I can learn my division and multiplication by going on E-Ako maths everyday for 10 minutes and by printing out maths worksheets to solve at home. I also need to practice going on Xtra Math  everyday for 10 minutes. By doing these things every day, it will help me learn all my multiplication and division.  We have another basic facts test coming up. I want to get all my equations correct!

Friday 6 June 2014

Helpful or Harmful to Earth

I have been learning about what is harmful and helpful to our planet, Earth. I have also included some links and images. What do you think is helpful and harmful to Earth.

The Unbelievable life of a Peastrict

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The Unbelievable  life of a Peastrict

What it is?
A Peastrict is half mammal and half bird. It has special Peacock feathers. It also has hair. It can weigh up to 60 kilograms and can grow up to 2 meters. Peasticts can come in different colours such as blue, pink, green and red. They also have baby bush eyes. It helps them see well in the dark. Peasticts are nocturnal.

What they eat?Believe it or not but Peastricts eat Humans. Any travelers or visitors that are visiting the forest becomes the Peastrict’s meal for the day. They are love meat! They drink water too. Salty water. Peasticts have killed over 100 humans since its been discovered. Watch out before a Peastrict eats YOU!
Where they live and can be found?Peastricts are unique and rare to New Zealand. They can only be found in Auckland. Some Peastricts live in the rainforests and some are kept in zoos. They are rare because they are endangered. They are killed for their feathers. No other animal has feathers like  a Peastrict.

What they do all day?

Peastricts have a very strange life. They spend their days in either the zoo or in the forests. They wake up early in the morning and start eating their breakfast. Lots of travelers and people explore the rainforest to find amazing animals but the Peastrict eventually eats them. If the Peastrict is in a good mood it will have a trip around the rainforest till lunch. If not, it will sleep till lunch. A Peastrict’s  life is just sleeping and eating humans.  

Other interesting Facts
Peastricts can gobble up 3 humans at once. They have bushbaby that are vision goggles to see well in the dark. They Have more than 200 peacock feathers that can grow to be 60 inches long. Each feather looks like an eye. It helps to scare away any predators.Peastricts stand on one leg to conserve energy.They are nocturnal and poisonous.
That was my information report about Peastricts. Hopefully you learned something about a Peastrict. Do you know any other strange animal?

Thursday 5 June 2014

The Muad Frog

This is a Maud Island Frog. It is about 47 millimeters and is very endangered and rare. There are approximately 20,000 Maud frog left in the world. It does not live in water, doesn't have webbed feet, doesn't croak and doesn't catch flies with its long tongue. But it is still a frog!