
Tuesday 12 January 2016

Summer Learning Journey - Day 3

For day 3 of the Summer Learning Journey, our task was to create a list of everything that we will need to bring with us. After we have our list we needed to put a star (*) beside the 5 items that we think are the most important.
This is my list:
1. Money *
2. Clothes*
3. Magazines
4. Headphones
5. Sunglasses
6. MP3 Player
7. Camera
8. Shoes*
9. Small bag with Passport*
10. Small bag with toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush. *

1 comment:

  1. Good morning Sajiha! I was just reading through your list of things to pack for your overseas and adventure and I am so impressed by your thoughtfulness. You have definitely captured the most important items and put a star beside the crucial ones! I think that you may wish to throw a guidebook in there to help you navigate your way around the country but, otherwise, you have really thought of everything. Well done!

    I particularly like that you thought to pack your toiletries. They are often overlooked but very important! I also like that you are going to bring a camera to document your trip. I have recently come back from two trips, one to Tonga and one to Bali, and I forgot to take my camera and am so disappointed. There are memories that I have but am not able to share with my whanau here because I don't have a physical picture to show them! It has inspired me to buy a small camera and be sure to bring it with me this year when I go home to Canada in October!

    I hope that you continue to enjoy the summer learning journey. It is a true pleasure to blog with you :)

    Talk soon,

