
Tuesday 12 January 2016

Summer Learning Journey - Day 4

Image result for the fault in our stars book

For Day 4 of my Summer Learning Journey, I had to think about all of the books that I have read over the past year. I had to choose one of my favorites and include the title and author of the book. I also had to provide a short description of it. This is my review of my book:

Title: The Fault In Our Stars

Author: John Green
The Fault In Our Stars is about a young teenage girl named Hazel who has lung cancer and attends a cancer support group. She is 16 years old and really wanted to reject the idea of her mum sending her to the support group. Soon, she actually thinks the idea of going to the group was a good idea because Hazel meets a young boy named Augustus Waters who had osteosarcoma. They travel to Amsterdam in together one day. While they were on their trip Augustus confesses some serious news to Hazel. Both of their worlds break down...


  1. Hi Sajiha, this sounds like a really interesting book! Thanks for your review - I'll look out for this book next time I'm at a bookshop. It must have been fun for Augustus and Hazel to explore Amsterdam - is that some place you'd like to go one day? Suzanne

  2. Hi Sajiha,

    I agree completely with Suzanne. It does sound like a very interesting book! I understand that it was recently made into a movie. Did you get to see it? I know that some of my friends went to the theatre to see it and they really loved it. They mentioned that it was quite sad, though, and a bit difficult to watch. How did you feel when you read it? Do you think that other students at Panmure Bridge would like to read it?

    I will definitely think about going to the local library to get it out. I'm currently in between books and trying to figure out what to read next, particularly before the school year starts again and I have to read books related to my studies. Fortunately, Curious Kiwi isn't embarking on any study this year so he can simply enjoy reading 'A Fault in Our Stars' on the way to Malaysia.

    It's very exciting to see that you've finished the first four activities and are on route to Kuala Lumpur. I wonder what you will see, do, and read in the country!

    Take care and safe travels. I'll check back in with you tomorrow to see if you've arrived and blogged about your first day in the country :)

